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Meetings Made easy with eVideo Communications and Logitech

Find out How Logitech is Enhancing Collaboration Online

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E365 Team

Experts in Video Conferencing Equipment

Keep and Enhance the Collaboration Tools You Prefer with Logitech

With return to work plans always evolving, you need collaboration platforms that are flexible. And, you must provide equitable meeting experiences for everyone, everywhere, regardless of what collaboration tools your teams prefer. Read on to learn how Logitech can help you supercharge the collaboration tools you already have.

How Logitech Enhances Your Collaboration Tools

You might also need to add virtual collaboration capabilities to meeting spaces that didn’t have them before. Discover how Logitech hardware tools can improve utilization, engagement, and productivity. Add the right remote monitoring and device management platform and you can further enhance the user experience by minimizing issues, monitoring quality, and analyzing meeting usage data.

This guide explores hybrid workplace collaboration tools solutions, including:

  • How Logitech hardware, including cameras, speakers, and microphones can pair with any collaboration platform you are using to upgrade your collaboration spaces.
  • Working with existing tools such as Microsoft Teams, Webex by Cisco, Zoom and Google Workspace
  • Adding the right remote monitoring and device management platform to further enhance the user experience by minimizing issues, monitoring quality, and analyzing meeting usage data.

Adding Logitech hardware also makes it easy to quickly enhance meeting rooms that were not previously equipped for remote collaboration. Logitech video conferencing solutions let your teams talk, share files and screens, and whiteboard ideas from anywhere. Scaling up your collaboration capabilities is easy since Logitech integrates seamlessly with what you already have in place.

Deploying Logitech hardware solutions helps create a consistent experience across all your meeting spaces, regardless of their size. Whether users walk into a huddle space or a large conference room, the interface to operate the conferencing system will be the same.

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