Choose Your Room Size

Huddle Room
Recommended meeting size: 3-5 people
- Smallest of the Conference Room
- Room Size Approx 3.5 metres x 3.5 metres
- This room has limited space for meetings, discussions and collaboration.

Medium Sized Room
Recommended meeting size:Up to 10 People Approximately
- Medium size conference rooms are your typical boardroom setups
- Room Size Approx 5 metres x 9 metres or 45 square meters.
- Medium rooms include a long table seating arrangement and screen placed at one end of the room.

Large Size Room
Recommended meeting size: Up to 20 People Approximately
- Large Boardrooms contain a long table seating arrangements or open-ended U shape configuration with participants facing inwards.
- Room Size Approx 15 metres x 15 metres
- It is a classic boardroom setup that enables members to both face each other and the speaker.